شكراً شكراً أيها الإعلامي المعجزة، أيها الهبة الإلهية لشعب السودان فقد استطعت أن تعلم جميع الشعب السوداني صغيراً وكبيراً ، رجالاً ونساء، أمياً وعالماً، في ليلة واحدة ،إبداع عجزت عنه كل الأمم في جميع الأزمان.
علمته أن الطيبة التي يوصف بها هذا الشعب هي سذاجة، علمته أن كرمه الفياض هو سفه وضياع، علمته صحة قول المتنبئ حين قال :- " إن أنت أكرمت الكريم ملكته *** وإن أنت أكرمت اللئيم تمرد" ... أكمل مقال يوسف علي النور" أضغط هنا"
هناك 3 تعليقات:
Hey Zein. This is Jon from Lifeofakidnamedjon.blogspot.com. I thought I would stop by on your blog. But to my surprise your WHOLE blog ways in Arabic (right?). And then it was hard to find the comments but I eventually found them and when I started writing your writing starts from the left. Huh, that's cool. Well just saying thanks for visiting my blog! Keep coming!
mr jonathan
First I thanks you for viewing my blog ... and sorry that you suffered how it is defficult to comment on my blog ... you know the arabic is writing from the right to the left oppesite of English .. I hope you learn arabic for second time ... thanks
I thinks it's cool how you guys who write in Arabic, do the opposite of English. And now that you comment in English, I'm assuming that you speak English too? Right now I'm doing my best to understand a new culture. But I like it, it just makes me think, wow we're not the only culture out there! I will try to learn Arabic as best as I can! Until then, bye!
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